In our business, we deal on a daily basis with materials that are harmful to both people and the environment. We therefore have a great responsibility to handle these materials appropriately.
We comply with strict legislation and rules relating to the environment and the safety of employees and third parties. Our work is regularly tested by means of internal and external audits.
All our employees who deal with these harmful substances are trained, certified and have a high sense of responsibility. The ISO 9001 certificate, the SVMS-007 certificate (safe and environmentally friendly demolition) and the most stringent VCA-P safety certificate are in our possession and contribute to our professionalism.
Measurable objectives relating to occupational hygiene, environmental hygiene and hazardous substances are defined on an annual basis in order to improve our services.
In order to give our objectives extra leverage, we have joined MVO Nederland as a partner. This makes us part of a movement of entrepreneurs who all share the same goal: working on climate neutrality, the circular economy, inclusive entrepreneurship and fair chains.
Since 2020, we have been using the Environmental Barometer [Milieubarometer]. The Environmental Barometer was developed by the Stimular Foundation in order to map and monitor our environmental performance. View the savings plan.
2023 06 Communicatiebericht CO2
2022 06 Communicatiebericht CO2
2022 09 Communicatiebericht CO2
2022 B 560e Co2 Doelstellingen En Maatregelen
2021 09 Communicatiebericht CO2
2021 B 560b Co2 Doelstellingen En Maatregelen
2020 B 430d Co2 Doelstellingen en Maatregelen
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